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After completing some practicing years in Graphic Design and Narrative Drawing schools, I discovered the medium by collaborating with a Glass-Blower. After this captivating experience, I decided to attent a training year focussing on the molten material.

I worked predominately as a Lampworker during four years in Paris, participating to artists and designers projects. Longing to develop my own ideas I attented to a school called CERFAV, European Center for Research and Training in the Glass arts in France. After graduated I practiced in different studios over Europe, landing eight years in Norway. Today I live and blow Glass in an old school village located in Bretagne.

A question, an impression, an idea, these are always the starting points for my work. Often revealed through installations or sculptures. Reinterpreting, exploring and challenging habitual perceptions.

I have been attracted to glass from the moment I saw the molten material and the body language its demand, the process on its own is inspiring, to me its an art form from beginning to end. Its flexibility as a medium is matched by the difficulty it present in using it. Glass is a demanding material, technically and emotionally. This characteristics can be an obstacle to ideas, when the obsessions for learning and mastering techniques is taking over creative process.

The common direction of my work tends on questioning the ability to step outside our own experience and consider something from another point of view. The way for me to explore the attitudes and unwritten rules which have formed that environment and our behavior within-it.


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